How to Find New Customers - the classic white paper

How to Find New Customers

This white paper, sponsored by Marketo, is several years old. However, it remains very, very popular. The Funnelholic wrote “So much is written about B2B demand generation, but this white paper makes it simple.” In fact, our ability to distill demand generation to its essence is our tagline “Demand Generation Made Simple.”

We wish to thank our sponsor, Marketo, as well as the Editor of this, Jill Konrath, for making this such a great white paper.  You can still download it for free - just click on the image.  (Please note that, despite the fact that it is free and Marketo sponsored it, we no longer provide data to Marketo.)

Mike Stelzner of Social Media Today in his book, Launch, says that a good white paper is like “rocket fuel” - it just keeps going and going. Mike’s right. It’s old but classic and still offers tons of value. That’s why it’s still so popular.

Download and enjoy How to Find New Customers today - in English or Portuguese - with the link or image.

How to Find New Customers

How to Find New Customers

Content Marketing is the Fuel of Marketing Automation - Advice from Experts


Let’s say you use a marketing automation product like Marketo, Eloqua, Silverpop, Act-On, or Pardot.  You want to nurture leads over time. You need to create a series of transactions that lead from Problem to Solution.  And you need to map that content to titles, industry, products, buying stage and more. The result: Those software package have a massive appetite for great customer-focused content.

For most companies, it’s overwhelming. They feel it’s too much. But as the host of Mad Marketing TV, I’ve talked to some of the top content marketing experts in the USA, and you can too. Watch these two Mad Marketing TV episodes.

Joe Pulizzi

Content Marketing with Joe Pulizzi of the Content Marketing Institute

Think Like a Publisher with Jim Burns of Avitage

Jim Burns

Jim Burns


What do you think? We love comments and those who share Find New Customers content on social media.

Social Marketing Leadership for my Alma Mater


I’d like to share my latest project. I’ve been invited to head the Social Media for the Notre Dame Club of New York City. Since the booming B2B demand generation company Find New Customers was built using social media, it makes a lot of sense. (Google my name “Jeff Ogden” to see just how popular we have become using social media.)

notre Dame

Notre Dame is my alma mater. I have a degree in marketing from there. In fact, BusinessWeek named the University of Notre Dame as the Best Undergraduate Business Program two years running. (Sorry Wharton and Harvard.)


At the top of the ranking for the second year in a row is the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business (Mendoza Undergraduate Business Profile). At Mendoza, business students have the option of studying abroad in countries like Egypt, Haiti, and South Africa, and are encouraged to take on a business-related research project while they are away from South Bend. Mendoza Dean Carolyn Woo estimates about half of the school’s business students go overseas for study abroad, a number that’s rising each year. “We see the students broadening themselves in unfamiliar environments,” Woo says. “They seek out challenges that come when they are in a different culture.”

Lastly, I’d like to point out that I’m NOT a recent grad. I’m about to celebrate my 30 year anniversary of my graduation. But anyone who thinks only kids can do social media is sadly mistaken.

What do you think? We love comments and those who share on social networks.


The Awesome Power of B2B Lead Nurturing

Lead Nurturing
Lead nurturing, done right, offers the “biggest bang for the buck” in B2B today, according to the experts. But few companies are doing a good job of nurturing prospective customers.
So Jeff Ogden, Founder and President of Find New Customers created this slick overview in Slideshare. Notice that it has an embedded audio file? We don’t subject you to mind-numbing silent slides.
Power of lead nurturing in B2B
To learn about lead nurturing, please visit Find New Customers Lead Nurturing.
What do you think? We love your comments and those who share on social networks.

Fearless Competitor is now built on the Genesis Framework


The best bloggers on Earth, like Chris Brogan, run on the Genesis Framework - a state of the art extension to WordPress. Now Fearless Competitor does too.

Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan

Why Genesis?

  1. State of the art code and smart design architecture mean search engines clearly see your content. And with automatic updates, you never have to think about it again.
  2. The 44 Genesis Turn-key designs give you an array of beautiful frames for your content. The Genesis design settings give you unprecedented control of the framework.
  3. Unlimited support. Unlimited updates. Unlimited websites. There’s no “Developer Option” here. One low price entitles you to unlimited support, updates, and domains.

Why the blog changes?

We embarked on a major redesign to fully optimize this blog for 2012, including migrating the blog from to with Genesis and implementing a new child theme - employing a professional designer.

We decided the booming B2B demand generation company, Find New Customers, deserves a world-class blog that is not only visually stunning, but is also fully search optimized. Now it truly has one.

We hope you like it. Please let us know what you think in the comments.


5 Best Practices for Digital Marketers in 2012


Jonathan Gardner had a great post at Mashable, which I summarize here. The permalink is here. His bio follows.


The egg nog’s been drunk, the bells are done jingling, and the mistletoe has been taken down. It’s time to ring in the new year with resolutions that’ll make 2012 one to remember — online and off. All signs point to an exciting year, with the arrival of new (and inevitably covetable) Apple devices. The expanding digital industry is destined to affect what we discuss, buy and watch, who we friend, what we Like, and how we share — all year long.

Plus, eMarketer projects a 14.4% increase in U.S. online ad spending, and Google says that video ads improve offline campaign results. Digital will certainly take on added prominence in the new year.

Even so, let’s resolve to keep our heads on straight and stick close to the best practices that have been winners in the past – they’ll be the ones to see us through a stellar 2012. With input from my colleagues and other experts in the digital ad industry, I’ve come up with five “resolutions” for marketers in the new year.

1. Own Your Voice, Don’t Share It.

These days, we’re talking “word ownership” for online branding. Especially in hyper-competitive categories such as consumer electronics and auto, these emotive and topical keywords are the name of the game.

But you’d better get there first — key terms such as “football” and “Valentine’s Day” are sure to be hot tickets in the weeks to come. Act fast, and the keywords will do the work for you. Have a smart contextual plan at the core of your strategy, and you’ll help your brand gain ownership of its voice around the web.

My note: Be clear and consistent in your communications and make sure you have rock solid keywords.

2. Resolve to Be Relevant.

Relevance reigns in 2012. More than ever, people will be in the driver’s seat. Therefore, keep consumers’ desires, hopes and aspirations central to your marketing and you’ll stay on top. This is especially true of groups like Millennials, who are dominating the digital space. Matt Briton, CEO of social media agency Mr. Youth, says, brands must address five “need states:” utility, entertainment, information, rewards and recognition.

In 2011, we also saw consumers become more spending-conscious as opposed to simply price-conscious. So, now is the time to make the strongest possible case for your product’s value.

Finally, tune in to what kind of content engages your audience and create advertising that aligns with what they watch and read. Take advantage of technology that matches ad content to the context of the page and delivers hyper-relevant ads to people who actually want to see them.

My Note: Relevant is the key to marketing in 2012. We live in such a noisy word that breaking through is harder than ever. Develop comprehensive buyer personas to start. You cannot be relevant without deep understanding of your buyers.

3. Context is King, and Content is Queen.

Steve Jobs showed that to create value in the 21st century, you need to connect creativity with technology. With all the focus on the amazing tech that enables our new era of advertising, it’s easy to forget that what’s in the ads matters too. You can roll out a remarkable initiative to find consumers, but how will you engage them? Time and again, the most successful in-text, toolbar and display ads bring relevant content within the context of the page. This year, like the last, the best advertising will be dynamic, providing provide useful information from weather reports and traffic updates to recipes and sports scores.

My Note: Seth Godin once said “I don’t want email, I want me-mail.” The information you share MUCH be meaningful to buyers - especially to answer their questions. While the author talks about business to consumer, content is critical in BtoB too.

4. The Data is Smarter. Are You?

As industry guru Peter Horan told us, “Counting clicks for branding is flawed. Marketers know TV works even though viewers can’t click on a commercial.” Beyond the click, the revolution in data will continue. Marketers can now look more closely at consumer behavior to get more mileage out of campaigns. As technology gives us a clearer view of reader engagement and retention, we see that all content is not created equal, and that despite the recent increase in content volume, quality is what drives results.

My Note: Data needs to drive decisions. You need to collect and use data to make business decisions.

5. They’ve Changed the Channel.

An incredible 98% of 18- to 24-year-olds use social media. While debates continue to rage around ROI and how to quantify Likes, we’ve seen brands develop new ways to make their social media assets deliver, specifically, by bringing social content to new ad formats that push Facebook pages and Twitter feeds to the consumer in a relevant context. We can all learn from Best Buy, which connected consumers with its “Twelpforce,” Twitter-based help desk. And Axe is using an innovative social toolbar to push its clever content to consumers around the web.

My note: Social media is now in the mainstream. It is a must-use marketing channel. Embrace it today.

Happy New Year! I hope that in 2012 you resolve to take your marketing to the next level of success.

Jonathan Gardner is director of communications at ad company Vibrant Media. He has spent nearly two decades as an innovator at the nexus of media and technology, having worked in communications leadership roles and as a journalist around the world.

Jeff Ogden is Founder and President of the B2B lead generation company Find New Customers. He also hosts the weekly marketing show, Mad Marketing TV.

Buyer Personas are the Foundation upon which Demand Generation is Built


Looking to improve revenue results? Then don’t blast out emails or buy PPC ads. Instead, invest in the foundation of great B2B marketing programs - Buyer Personas.

In order to drive results, you need customer personas - deep understanding of prospective buyers of your products and services.

As the host of Mad Marketing TV, I had the opportunity to speak multiple times to Americas foremost expert on Buyer Personas - Adele Revella of the Buyer Persona Institute. She shared the folly of asking random questions, but she also shared how one can ask questions to develop pragmatic customer personas about how they actually find, select and buy your products and services.

In addition, Find New Customers worked with our client Keyedin Corp. to help them develop world-class insights on buyers.

We invite you to watch an episode of Mad Marketing TV with Adele below. To learn about Find New Customers and contact us, please visit Find New Customers.

4 Free “Cheat Sheets” on B2B Demand Generation from Find New Customers | No registration needed


The b2b demand generation company Find New Customers is pleased to share  free “7 Keys cheat sheets” on important topics in

Lead NurturingB2B demand generation. They all are 100% free with no registration needed. Just click the links below.

  1. 7 Keys to Social Media Success
    A simple 2 page guide to getting results from social media.
  2. 7 Keys to B2B Lead Nurturing Success
    A simple 2 page guide to critical elements in lead nurturing.
  3. 7 Keys to B2B Lead Scoring Success
    A simple 2 page guide to ensure only qualified opportunities go to Sales. Eliminate time wasted on unqualified names.
  4. 7 Keys to B2B Marketing Success
    A simple 2 page guide with tips on B2B marketing success.
At Find New Customers, our company motto is “Always Be Helping.” That means we believe in gift-giving, helping others without asking anything in return. This is why we give away this great content - no registration needed.

Read my blog on Kindle

Jeff Ogden (@fearlesscomp) is the President of the B2B lead generation consultancy Find New Customers. Find New Customers helps companies dramatically improve revenue results by transforming the way they attract, engage and win new customers. Contact Find New Customers by calling (516) 495-9350 or sending an email to sales at

“If more companies listened to (Find New Customers) a lot more would be sold.” Dan McDade, Pointclear.

Laugh and Learn with Find New Customers - Episode 56 - Repo Man

Laugh and Learn

In his weekly B2B marketing show, Jeff Ogden of Find New Customers ( shares a key marketing lesson using wit and humor. We hope you’ll tune in each week for a new Laugh and Learn show as well as our weekly Mad Marketing TV show.

In this show, he illustrates how even very small companies can take advantage of online videos to promote their businesses.

Tune in next Friday for a fresh new Laugh and Learn with Find New Customers show!

Marketing Automation Software Stays Hot | Neolane secures $27m investment

Neolane is the latest company to announce substantial new funding. With funds raised by Marketo, Hubspot, and Act-On Software, this industry is red-hot in 2012. Find New Customers wishes to congratulate them.

Keep in mind that most companies need the help of companies like AcquireB2B, PointClear or Find New Customers to help with challenging issues such as buyer personas, lead nurturing, lead scoring and content marketing.


Conversational marketing technology provider Neolane has gained $27m in funding.

The investment comes from Battery Ventures, who ploughed $50 million into RPM technology provider Marketo in November.

Neolane has successfully carved out an impressive footprint within the marketing technology space,” said Battery Ventures Vice President, Morad Elhafed.  “We are impressed with the financial discipline that drove profitability for the company in 2011, its measured approach to corporate expansion, and Neolane’s ability to drive consistent and impressive revenues.  We are optimistic about Neolane’s expansion goals and the overall future growth trajectory of this category.

Neolane revealed the money will be used to expand the company’s global leadership across the marketing technology industry – particularly in North America – to strengthen its own sales, marketing and product development efforts. It also plans to increase its global presence.

Stephane Dehoche, president and CEO of Neolane, said, “This new investment by Battery Ventures is a strong endorsement from a top-tier firm that has a clear understanding of the market. We feel that many marketers have only scratched the surface in terms of the impact our conversational marketing technology can have on overall marketing effectiveness, revenue generation and loyalty. This funding will help drive greater adoption and increase visibility for what’s truly possible with the technology.

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