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Focus Roundtable on B2B Lead Generation

Jeff Ogden is President of Find New CustomersLead Generation Made Simple” Check out the online show every Friday at 11am ET, “Laugh and Learn with the Fearless Competitor.” Find New Customers is a lead generation company in New York.

Find New Customers helps companies like yours (with 50 to 5,000 employees and complex products) deliver low cost lead generation developing and implementing marketing lead generation programs to improve the way you find and acquire high quality sales leads using best practices in b2b lead generation. Quality leads matter. In fact, a recent study found that sales teams with fewer, high quality sales leads closed more than sales teams with more leads of dubious quality.


Great new book on how small companies can sell to big companies

Playing Bigger Than You Are book

Recently I was invited to do an Internet Radio called The SalesBuzz.  Not only was my show a huge hit, but I met a bunch of great sales experts at The Brooks Group.  Very, very sharp and savvy people.

You can check out my hit show by clicking The Importance of Lead Nurturing.

The folks at The Brooks Group invited me to review their new book, Playing Bigger than You Are, by William T. Brooks and William P. G. Brooks.  Just finished reading it and want to share my thoughts with my readers.

Playing Bigger Than You Are bookAt first look, this book seemed similar to my all-time favorite book by my all-time favorite lady (wife excepted) — Jill Konrath and her highly regarded and best-selling book, Selling to Big Companies.  (Hint: That book better be in your collection.  If not, click on it and buy it today.) But after reading it, I can say that this book belongs in your collection of the best sales books ever written.

These men have written a cogent and clear “how-to” manual on how even the smallest company can target and win in big companies. They explain how it can transform a business and even the advantages enjoyed by small firms.

One of my personal favorite chapters in “How Corporations Buy.”  One thing Find New Customers advises all of its client is to gain a deep understanding of ideal customers.

  • What makes them tick?
  • What concerns them?
  • What are their challenges?
  • How do they find solutions to business challenges?
  • Whom do they trust?
  • What language do they use?

The bottom line is that, for most businesses, a deep understanding of these questions will enable them to become vastly more effective in marketing and sales.

In sum, buy this book, buy Jill’s book, and read both cover to cover.  And when you find time to browse, head over to Find New Customers, where we believe in Lead Generation Made Simple.  We’ll welcome you with open arms.

For companies looking for marketing campaigns in b2b lead generation who wish to improve the way they acquire new customers, Find New Customers is the place to go.  CSO Insights says companies need to improve the way they generate leads through great marketing campaigns and implement processes for business to business lead generation.

Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor, is a demand generation expert and sales leader, as well as the President of Find New Customers, a lead generation company, who helps businesses create marketing campaigns for their lead generation campaigns and continually publishes the best lead generation ideas, so his readers can determine the best lead generation strategy to find new customers.

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