My Review of the Book, Leadership Charisma, by Bud Haney and the late Jim Sirbasku

Leadership Ahead


4 1/2 out of 5 stars

I recently had the pleasure of reading a reviewer copy of Leadership Charisma and I found it a very enjoyable read.

First, I want to applaud the authors on the quality of the book itself. The heft of the book and the weight of the pages are very impressive, but this is book’s target audience is top executives, so that makes sense.

This book follows are very logical, step by step approach, which is what you want to do if you want to teach your materials.

They explain the importance of Leadership Charisma and what it means. Then they cover step by step the process of becoming a charismatic leader.

  1. Make a Decision to Become a Charismatic Leader
  2. Build a Foundation for your Charisma
  3. Fine Tune Your Physical Charisma
  4. Create a Charismatic Leader’s Persona
  5. Recognize the Greatness in Others

As the founder and President of Find New Customers, I’m very interested in advice is how to become a charismatic leader - especially as we begin to hire employees. But also I am a professional speaker for the Business Marketing Association and I want to give more keynote presentations. Hence the ideas herein are invaluable to me.

We give this book 4 1/2 stars.

About our rating system:

We’re tough. An excellent book gets 4 stars. An excellent book that offers something unique and different gets 4 1/2 stars. Only a ground-breaking and excellent book gets 5 stars. There was only one 5 star book in all of 2011 —  Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki.

About the reviewer:

Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor, is the Founder and President of Find New Customers. He’s also the host of Mad Marketing TV and Marketing Made Simple TV - in which he interviews top marketing, sales and social media experts to bring practical and pragmatic information to businesses everywhere.

Jeff Ogden of Find New Customers review of the book, Energize Growth Now, by Lisa Nirell


4 out of 5 stars  (Based on a review of a reviewer copy of the book.)

Energize Growth Now, by Lisa Nirell was sent to me for my review with the handwritten note “Jeff - Here’s to an Energized 2012!”, Lisa. Thanks, Lisa.

The tagline of this book is “The Marketing Guide to a Wealthy Company.” and the foreward was written by Guy Kawasaki, whose book Enchantment we reviewed here too.

Lisa covers a broad range of topics in the book, such as why you are feeling burnt out, failure to develop written plans, focusing on what the real goals are, and the importance of marketing. Amen, Lisa (Jeff)

She also covers designing an operation dashboard and planning the brand, as well as focusing on the right, high paying clients.

She also cites the book Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional’s Guide to Growing a Practice by Alan Weiss, a book I read and enjoyed a great deal (and use in my lead generation company Find New Customers.)

While Lisa’s book is well-written and documented, it’s intended for a fairly narrow audience - business owners. While it is a great resource for these business owners, it does not break a lot of new ground. For  this reason we give it four (out of five) stars.

About our rating system:

We’re tough. An excellent book gets 4 stars. An excellent book that offers something unique and different gets 4 1/2 stars. Only a ground-breaking and excellent book gets 5 stars. There was only one 5 star book in all of 2011 —  Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki.

About the reviewer:

Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor, is the Founder and President of Find New Customers. He’s also the host of Mad Marketing TV, the B2B marketing show - in which he interviews top marketing experts to bring practical and pragmatic information to businesses everywhere.


Review of Return on Influence - by Mark W. Schaefer


Four and one-half stars out of a possible 5.


This is my review of the book Return on Influence, which discusses Klout, Social Scoring and Influence Marketing.  I found it to be a superb book. Great job, Mark. (Mark was my guest on Mad Marketing TV - the online marketing show hosted by yours truly.) (below)

All in all, I found Mark’s writing to be fresh, interesting, well-researched and well-organized.
He covers how dramatically how the world has changed in Part1 - The Roots of Influence and he covers the world on social influence in Part 2 - Klout and the Social Scoring Revolution. 

The book is filled with practical tips and concrete examples. For instance, he tells the story of B.T Babbit and how individually wrapped bars, scented bars of soap from the back of a wagon and how influential wives shared the story via word of mouth. It’s those kind of stories that made the book very compelling in my mind.

Very well written book on an import topic in B2B marketing. Good job, Mark!

Guide to our reviews:

  • One star - a real dud. Keep moving.
  • Two stars - Not bad, but not note-worthy
  • Three stars - A very good but not exceptional book
  • Four stars - An outstanding and well-written book
  • Five stars - A one of a kind book. Something that is different and timeless.

Jeff Ogden is President of the B2B demand generation and global marketing company, Find New Customers. He’s also the host of Mad Marketing TV.


Please Help @JeffreyHaylett with Running the Gauntlet!

We interviewed Jeffrey for Mad Marketing TV’s 2012 Kickoff show. (Click the link to watch the show.) So please help him get the word out about his new book

Jeff Ogden, President of Find New Customers and Host of Mad Marketing TV

Running the Gauntlet Needs Your Help!

Happy New Year!  It’s an exciting time and you can turn this change into profitable success for you and your business.

We’re kicking off 2012 with the release of my new book, Running the Gauntlet, which launched nationally this last week.

Are you ready to run the gauntlet this year? 2012 is all about CHANGE:

Change your ATTITUDE.
Change your BUSINESS.
Change your FUTURE.

Running the Gauntlet is going to be a bigger success than my first bestselling book, The Mirror Test, check out some of the reviews already posted to Amazon.

And… I NEED YOUR HELP to earn bestseller status this week – there are 12 things you could do to make it happen!  I have also listed them below for your convenience.

Your success is my success.  I want to help you survive the business gauntlet ahead, and show you how to become the Change Agent that you are.

Thank you, friend, for being a part of something great!



My Review of the book Running the Gauntlet by Jeffrey Hayzlett

Running the Gauntlet 3d

4 1/2 out of 5 stars  (Based on a review of a reviewer copy of the book.)

Running the Gauntlet, released today, is the new book by Jeffrey Hayzlett, “CMO Celebrity” Running the Gauntletbest-selling author, keynote speaker, change agent and part-time cowboy. (Jeffrey is also a guest on Mad Marketing TV, where he’s interviewed by yours truly.)

This book is explores the ideas of becoming a Change Agent in your business - walking you though each aspect of this difficult and messy endeavor - which Jeffrey terms “Running the Gauntlet.” As we enter 2012, and emerge from an economic slump, business leaders need to truly embrace change.

The book not only covers change. It also introduces some innovative print ideas:

  • Chapters are short and quick to read
  • Each chapter begins with a Snaptag which you can scan with a smartphone to let Jeffrey introduce the chapter.
  • Jeffrey invites the reader to connect with him throughout the book.
The book also uses Snaptags rather than QR codes. Snaptags are a simple image inside a circle. I saw a marketing study recently that most Americans have no idea what a QR code is. So the simplicity of SnapTags is appealing.
This book discusses all types of things important to effecting change, such as:
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously. “No one is going to die.” (One of his favorite sayings.)
  • Ask the right questions
  • Don’t let fear stop you
  • Understand your “Conditions of Satisfaction.”
  • Encourage mistakes
  • It’s hard and messy, but worth it.
  • Don’t worry about the nay-sayers.

And much more. In addition, Jeffrey invites readers to Run the Gauntlet with him on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. I like the way he goes beyond print to invite the reader to share.

I’m honored to have Jeffrey as my guest on Mad Marketing TV.

About our rating system:

We’re tough. An excellent book gets 4 stars. An excellent book that offers something unique and different gets 4 1/2 stars. Only a ground-breaking book gets 5 stars. There was only one 5 star book in all of 2011 —  Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki.

About the reviewer:

Jeff Ogden, the Fearless Competitor, is the Founder and President of Find New Customers. He’s also the host of Mad Marketing TV, the weekly B2B marketing show - in which he interviews top marketing experts to bring practical and pragmatic information to businesses everywhere.


My review of the book, Find Your Next: Using the Business Genome Approach to Find Your Company’s Next Competitive Edge

Find Your Next

4 out of 5 stars

Just finished my review copy of Find Your Next by Andrea Kates. Find Your Next

I was skeptical as I started, because I’ve read and reviewed so many books on business strategy, but as I dived in more and more, my respect for the book grew.

From the website for the book, I share the six elements for business growth:

The author Andrea Yakes does an admirable job of uncovering the need to really dig - look “between the lines” and outside your industry to uncover the unseen opportunities for dramatic business growth.

I recommend this book for top business executives looking for fresh ideas for dramatic growth.

(Note about our reviews. We are tough and honest graders. It is very rare for a book to garner five stars)


Here’s a summary of key points in the book:

These are the six elements that combine to create new opportunities for business growth and define an organization’s “DNA”

The core DNA of a company is the starting point for change. These six elements are levers that can be combined in different ways to fine-tune an organization’s strategic edge. Map your genome against the patterns and successes of other companies in other industries. Then, incorporate those successes into your DNA to leapfrog forward.

Product + service + innovation

The ability to create offerings that resonate with consumers. Dig deeper to see how customers are responding to products and services. What kind of innovation can be applied to retain a competitive edge?

Customer impact

The ability to build a sustainable community of support. What resonates with customers? Are there any unmet needs that you could respond to? These days, customer preferences are changing constantly. Creating an open dialogue with customers and learning new skills in anticipating their next move can answer these questions.

Process design

The ability to align the “how” with the “what” consumers need. The future of your company is imminent, how can you change your core processes to get there faster? Do internal operations need to be improved? Take a look at how other companies create processes that are successful for them.

Talent and leadership

The ability to create a culture that moves a business forward. A key component to building a strong, consistent culture is leadership style. What kinds of leaders can bring your company to the next level? What type of talent do you want to integrate into your company to support change and innovation?

Secret sauce

This is the special recipe that will differentiate a company and create a competitive advantage in a new world of unprecedented transparency. Brands are beginning to embrace new technologies to reach customers on a more meaningful level. Is your brand still relevant in this new business environment? Take a look at the new, cool products, killer apps and find out what tools you can use to stand out.

My Review of the Book “Managing Content Marketing” by Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi

Managing Content Marketing

4 1/2 stars out of 5

B2B marketers are in an arm’s race around content. The winners will be those with the best content.” Paul Dunay, Buzz Marketing for Technology.

Read the written review below or, if you prefer, watch my video review on YouTube.

Managing Content MarketingI recently finished the book Managing Content Marketing by Robert Rose (@Robert_Rose) and Joe Pulizzi. @juntajoe (Joe, known as the “Godfather of Content Marketing” is an upcoming guest soon on my marketing show, Mad Marketing TV.)

While I was looking forward to the book, I had some skepticism because this topic has had a lot of coverage lately. Books like Content Rules covered it in depth as well as Joe’s earlier book, Get Content, Get Customers. The last thing we all need is a new book that beats a dead horse.

With that in mind, I was wondering how Robert and Joe would blaze new trails with this book. In my mind, they certainly did. They wrote this book as a how-to manual, but they had some innovative ideas too. Here are three examples:

  1. Creating the story of your company (No other content marketing book covered story as well as this one.)
  2. Sharing a model for metrics - a triangle. (I loved the idea of a small number of KPIs for top executives - top of the triangle. Key measures for mid level execs. And general metrics like visitors and email opens for lower level employees. The triangle was the perfect graphic device.)
  3. Focusing on creating heroes - not just education. (This was my favorite. Most content focuses on educating buyers, but the authors shows how content can make heroes out of people.)
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose

Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose

All in all, I found it to be an engaging and well-organized and written book that was a “how to” do content marketing the right way. For this reason we give it four and a half stars out of 5.
(A word about our rating system. We’re tough graders.
  • A book that does a great job of covering a well-known topic gets 4 stars.
  • An exceptional book gets 4.5 stars.
  • But it is a rare and truly exceptional book that is unique that garners 5 out of 5. The most recent 5 star book was Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki.)
Please vote for Jeff Ogden of Find New Customers for “50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management for 2011“
What do you think? We love comments and those who share our content on social networks.

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Jeff Ogden (@fearlesscomp) is the President of the B2B lead generation consultancy Find New Customers. Find New Customers helps companies dramatically improve revenue results by transforming the way they attract, engage and win new customers. Contact Find New Customers by calling (516) 495-9350 or sending an email to sales at

“If more companies listened to (Find New Customers) a lot more would be sold.” Dan McDade, Pointclear.

Apples to Apples: How to Stand Out from Your Competition by Dan Paulson - a book review

Apples to Apples

4 1/2 stars out of 5.

I’m honored that Dan Paulson invited me, as President of the B2B lead generation company Find New Customers to review his new book. This book held particular interest for me because I believe that commoditization is a hugeApples to Apples problem for most businesses. Prospective buyers are unable to spot meaningful differences.

With buyers unable to see real differences between company offerings, companies face pressure on margins and have lowered win rates. Think of a bushel basket filled with red apples. They all look the same. But one golden apple would stand out. This is also the concept in Seth Godin’s book, Purple Cow. And why when I was asked for the marketing take-away of the week on HubspotTV, I said “Think Different.”

Dan Paulson of InVision Business Development and Marketing LLC is experienced at helping companies overcome this dilemma. This book walks the reader through a process to help them uncover true differentiation.

One of the key things I look for in book reviews is where the book fits in the existing arena of books. Some books, like on social media and demand generation (not to mention the Civil War) are well-covered. But books that break new ground are of greater value I think. (We give half a star for this.) Dan’s book blazes new trails I think. This is a key topic for business leaders.

Dan introduces the topic by explaining that price differentiation is inadequate. He goes on to explain that change requires deep self-examination and that change must go deep. He emphasizes that your people are your brand. Dan introduces the Five Tasks of the Golden Apple in the book.

  1. Direction - your vision, mission and values
  2. Path - your strategy and innovation
  3. People - leadership, talent and culture
  4. Process - balancing standardization and flexibility with cultural alignment
  5. Measures - using data for diagnosis and predictions
I also like his “Know This” and “Do This” tips scattered throughout the book.
We give Apples to Apples 4 1/2 stars.
What do you think? We love comments and those who share.

Read my blog on Kindle

Jeff Ogden (@fearlesscomp) is the President of the B2B lead generation consultancy Find New Customers. Find New Customers helps companies dramatically improve revenue results by transforming the way they attract, engage and win new customers. Contact Find New Customers by calling (516) 495-9350 or sending an email to sales at

“If more companies listened to (Find New Customers) a lot more would be sold.” Dan McDade, Pointclear.

My review of the book, Maximizing Lead Generation | by Ruth P. Stevens


B2B Lead Generation | Maximizing Lead Generation - a book review

Update: There is now a free chapter of the book at Maximizing Lead Generation.

As the President of the B2B lead generation company, Find New Customers, I was excitedMaximizingLeadGen to be invited to review the book Maximizing Lead Generation by Ruth P. Stevens. Since this topic is the specialty of our company, we felt our insights might be valuable.

Before we jump into our review, we wish to note excellent books on the market today, such as Lead Generation for the Complex Sale by Brian Carroll and eMarketing Strategies for  the Complex Sale by Ardath Albee. In addition, Dan McDade wrote The Truth About Leads. So the topic is well covered.

Ruth Stevens

Ruth Stevens

That said, Ruth does a commendable job of covering a topic near and dear to the hearts of marketing and sales leaders (and CEOs and boards responsible for revenue results) In particular, I liked Chapter 3 - the Marketing Database, as this is an area not well covered by others books - and an area of real expertise by Ruth.

Ruth also has a well-written and easy to read style which I enjoy and she also uses lots of tables and charts.

This book is highly recommended as a comprehensive and complete guide to B2B lead generation.

Order the book now on

We give it four out of five stars, mainly because it breaks little new ground.

Read my blog on Kindle

Jeff Ogden (@fearlesscomp) is the President of the B2B lead generation consultancy Find New Customers. Find New Customers helps companies dramatically improve revenue results by transforming the way they attract, engage and win new customers. Contact Find New Customers by calling (516) 495-9350 or sending an email to sales at

“If more companies listened to (Find New Customers) a lot more would be sold.” Dan McDade, Pointclear.

How to Turbo-Charge Your Sales (by Mike Schultz of RAIN Selling)

Mike Schultz

76% of leaders at small and medium-sized businesses cited sales growth as their greatest challenge in 2011.

Mike Schultz

Mike Schultz

Having been through the process of founding RAIN Group with my business partner, John Doerr, I know just how difficult it can be for a young, growing business to get off the ground.

You’ve got a great idea that people have told you will succeed, outstanding content, and the people in place to make it all come together. Problem is, when it comes time to launch, you’re just not generating the business you thought you would.

More often than not, this is a direct result of the fact that many entrepreneurs simply have not been taught how to sell. And even experienced salespeople struggle to sell in an entrepreneurial environment where there are unique challenges to selling new ideas or selling against big, well-branded competitors.

As good as your business idea might be, it’s not going anywhere if you can’t sell it.

Fortunately, it’s never too late to learn.

To help you out, I’ve made a series of video training lessons specifically for entrepreneurs and sellers in growing businesses. They’ll teach you everything you need to know about how to make the sales that will help your business achieve the growth you’re looking for.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • The most common sales mistakes entrepreneurs sellers at growing businesses make
  • How to avoid these mistakes
  • The unique challenges of selling in an entrepreneurship and how you can overcome them
  • A step-by-step guide on how to communicate your value
  • How to lead masterful sales conversations that result in new business
  • The simple formula to make millions of dollars in sales

The first video in the series is available now. And the best part is, I’ve made the series available to you for free! Note that these are not quick-tease videos. This series contains 60 minutes of value-packed RAIN Selling content.

So head over to and check it out. I guarantee it’ll be worth your while.

Full disclosure: This email contains affiliate links and Find New Customers may receive compensation for anyone that signs up. But we know these men well and we wouldn’t promote anything that we didn’t think was quality.

Read my blog on Kindle

Jeff Ogden (@fearlesscomp) is the President of the B2B lead generation consultancy Find New Customers. Find New Customers helps companies dramatically improve revenue results by transforming the way they attract, engage and win new customers. Contact Find New Customers by calling (516) 495-9350 or sending an email to sales at

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